The Minimalist Game.

A few weeks ago, I opted to do the Minimalist Game.


You know the 30 day game where you get rid of one thing on day ONE, two things on day TWO and so forth. The total by the end is almost 500 items.

I started and managed to get up to day four and just fell off the wagon.


I am restarted TODAY.

I am keeping the original 10 items I got rid of [at day four] and I’ve been continuing from there. Looking at the calendar I’m just about at day 11 (I have nixed 64 items and day 11 is 66).

Literally anything counts; if you get rid of a pair of shoes you can count it as one or two (I typically would count it one). One thing that is important to mention is that you SHOULDN’T just get rid of the 500 items to say you completed the game.

If you feel you’ve decluttered enough by day 21, then just stop there.

I’m curious to see how far I get in the calendar. I know if I went in my backyard shed, I’d finish the game instantly. But for this round, I am just sticking to items inside the home.

Come back to me at some point next month to see where I end up!

Oh and if you haven’t read their latest book, it is a MUST.

If you’re currently in the process of decluttering and don’t know where to start, get this book NOW. Even if you are a “seasoned” minimalist like myself, it’s still a great refresher [and read].
wp-1643161297630Remember, one day at a time.

2 thoughts on “The Minimalist Game.

  1. I have never actually carried out the 30 day minimalism game, although have got rid of approximately 3/4 of my stuff (although it took around 3 years in total)! It sounds like you’ve already got off to a good start, but I like that you point out that you can stop at, say, day 22 if you have got rid of enough. I think it would be going against the point of minimalism to get rid of 500 things just to ‘win’ the game! Loving your content : )


    1. It’s not easy and I thinking doing it overtime is way better for lasting effects! And yes you can stop at any point. I completely agree on “missing the point.” Success is when you feel you’ve done enough. Thanks for coming by and checking the blog out. 🙂


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